
A Girl Gets To Know About VAST Tags Through Video Advertisement

What are VAST Tags? A Guide for Digital Publishers

Video advertising possesses a vital role in marketing. This type of advertising can significantly contribute to the success of the business. It is an established way of communication with consumers that has the potential to bring evident results to the business. Thus, video advertising helps to create quality and unique content that boosts outreach, sales, and ...
A Person Promotes CPG Industry By Supporting Consumer Product Goods

Cooperation’s Effect on Incrementality Measurement: A perspective on CPG Industry

The CPG industry or Consumer Packaged Goods industry operates and provides for customers across multiple geographies. Every business needs assistance from the right people/entities to sail through the supply and demand seas. Now, this brings into the picture the fact that cooperation between entities plays an essential part in the smooth functioning of processes and enhances revenue streams ...
A Girl Searching For A Guide About CPC & How To Use It In Her Mobile

Cost Per Click (CPC) And When To Use It: A Beginner’s Guide

Today ads occupy a large portion of online as well as offline world. Whether it is newspapers, billboards or online platforms, you can find ads everywhere. It is anticipated that by the end of 2032, the global advertising services market will have grown at a CAGR of 7.2% and will be worth $1 trillion. While traditional methods of offline advertising ...
A Person Gets To Know About CPM In Digital Marketing Space.

Cost Per Mille (CPM) In Digital Marketing Space

It’s no secret that the digital advertising industry continues to grow and burgeon, with 2.14 billion people now using the Internet. By using digital advertising, publishers and advertisers can comprehend the effects of their marketing campaigns and maximize the return on their advertising budgets while elevating their brand awareness at the same time. A cost per mille or cost per thousand ...
3 Employees Discussing About A Guide To Demand Side Platform (DSP) Services.

Demand Side Platform (DSP) – A beginner’s guide

It is now very much easier to buy and sell ads online than done in a conventional manner. Over time, online advertising has streamlined and optimized the process of buying and selling spaces. With the advent of Supply Side Platforms (SSP) and Demand Side Platforms (DSP), publishers can access an extensive reach of advertisers. Advertisers can benefit from ...
A Lady Searching For Interstitial Ad’s guide in Her Laptop

Interstitial Ad: A beginner’s guide

While programmatic advertising platforms have been witnessing their fair share of action these days, more creative and streamlined methodologies have popped on the radar as well. One of these new methodologies involves the positioning of ads in an organic manner that suits the narration and flow of a game, website, or application. Interstitial ads have become one of ...
2 Lady Employees Discusses About Omnichannel Strategy and How Can It Benefit Your Retail Brand?

What is an Omnichannel Strategy and How Can It Benefit Your Retail Brand?

It has been established that Omni channel advertising has its fair share of perks for the average advertiser in the digital domain. The capabilities of this advertising technique empower its users to a great extent. In fact, the difference is quite vivid and discrete as a 90% customer retention rate has been experienced over Omni channel advertising techniques when compared ...
A Girl Gets Happier While Watching Digital Ads In Her Mobile

Device IDs and their relevance to Digital Ads

The ever-changing landscape of digital advertising often involves approaching individuals via multiple channels and devices. For the most part, a modern-day household comprises 3-4 smartphones and at least 2 laptops. As of 2020, every individual has 3.6 devices that are a part of a network. Close to 1.134 trillion MB of data was created every day in 2021, and data consumption figures ...
A Lady Searching Out The Relevance of Programmatic Advertising In Her Laptop

The Relevance of Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising is the perfect choice for those seeking an efficient way to access huge relevant audiences in this data-driven world. It is the ideal solution to buy digital ads and effectively place your ads in the current advertising landscape. The efficient use of programmatic advertising technology can help marketers drive conversions and increase Return on Advertising ...

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