
How Can One Deal With Invalid Traffic - Cubera

How Can One Deal With Invalid Traffic?  

A publisher spends a lot of time formulating and designing the right ad inventory and its designated strategy. However, at times certain aspects of this management strategy might slip past the careful eyes and run amok. Over the years, advertising techniques have evolved to a great extent. While there are a number of perks associated with their development, ...
Ad Networks That Publishers Must Follow - Cubera

Ad Networks That Publishers Must Follow

Advertising is one of the essential steps that are required to make a business successful. The evolution of the advertising techniques expanded its horizons over the course of time. Advertisement through publishers is one such technique. In 2023, businesses want to target their advertisements and place them in strategic locations. Your website could be one of those locations, ...
Video Advertising Playable Ads - cubera

Video Advertising: Playable Ads 

The last two decades have seen a significant evolution in advertising techniques. Advertisers are doing everything possible to promote their goods and services. The days of being annoyed or frustrated by advertisements are long gone. In order to prevent you from feeling the urge to click on skip or block, marketers are now concentrating on how to ...
Demand Side Platform (DSP) – A beginner’s guide - Cubera

Device IDs and their relevance to Digital Ads

The ever-changing landscape of digital advertising often involves approaching individuals via multiple channels and devices. For the most part, a modern-day household comprises 3-4 smartphones and at least 2 laptops. As of 2020, every individual has 3.6 devices that are a part of a network. Close to 1.134 trillion MB of data was created every day in 2021, and data consumption figures ...

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